Vernade Lab
PhD Students
I have the privilege to work with a talented team of students. I co-supervise some of them and collaborate on a regular basis with colleagues (and friends) from various institutions and countries:
Aurélien Garivier (ENS Lyon, France -- w/ A. Marthe)
Andras György (Google Deepmind, London, UK -- w/ Nicolas Nguyen)
Michael Muehlebach (MPI-IS, Tübingen, Germany-- w/ Onno Eberhard)
Claire Vernade
Group Leader
Bandit algorithms, RL Theory, Learning theory
PhD student (2023- now)
Bayesian methods for lifelong bandit problems
-> Priori-dependent Allocation for Bayesian Fixed-Budget Best Arm Identification in Structured Bandits
PhD student (2023 - now), co-supervised with Michael Muehlebach
Dynamical aspects of RL
-> A Pontryagin perspective on Reinforcement Learning (Open-Loop RL)
PhD student (2023 -now)
Foundations of Inverse Reinforcement Learning
-> Open Problem: Reward Estimation in Inverse Bandits (ARLET @ ICML 2024)
PhD student (2024 - now)
Diffusion models for control
PhD student (2022 - now), co-supervised with Aurélien Garivier
Theory of Distributional RL, Risk-Aware RL
Masters and Bachelor
Julian Zürn (Master student, University of Tübingen)
Interns (Amazon Berlin and Deepmind London)
Jeremias Knoblauch (now Lecturer at UCL, UK)
Flore Sentenac (Assist. prof at HEC, France)
Yoan Russac (RE at G Research, London UK)
Master and Bachelor students:
Fenosoa Randrianjavoto (AIMS student)
Yannick Streicher (co-advised with Peter Dayan)
Till Freihaut (co-advised with Prof. Leif Döring -- now, PhD student at University of Zürich)
Clémence Réda (Master project in 2019 -- now, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Universität Rostock since 2023/05)
Abel Adary, Louis Fournier (Master project in 2020)
Antoine Moulin (Master project in 2020, now PhD student with Gergely Neu in Barcelona)
Yoann Lemesle (Bachelor year-long project 2020-2021)
Momentum Program (Uni Bielefeld): Annika Österdiekhoff
I was a mentor with the Deepmind Scholar program (2021-2022): Mariangela (Brasil, 1 year)
I ran the Mentorship Program of WiML-T (