Since January 2024, I coordinate a group of volunteer women scientists to organise the community of Women in Machine Learning in Tübingen.
We organized a widely appraised workshop on March 8th 2024, featuring talks by local women scientists, networking and a panel on interdisciplinary research in ML.
Our next event is on October 11th at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen.
All informations and more are on the Tübingen WiML Website
I own the website that centralizes information on events for women researchers in Learning Theory and related theoretical fields of ML. I also co-organize events and panels at conferences such as ALT, COLT, ITA (and potentially upcoming AISTATS). The picture is from COLT 2022 in London.
-> If you are working in this area and would like to help organise events in the future, please reach out. It's usually fun and low work load (I promise), and allows you to meet many talented women (and men!) in your field.
How can I not mention our mother community, the fantastic Women in ML? I have been volunteering and attending WiML since 2014 (Neurips in Montreal), and I wholeheartedly support the many initiative they are coordinating and helping financially.
Do check their website and sponsors for more information of what are the next events at ML conferences.
Let-All is a mentoring network for junior researchers in Learning Theory. They hold amazing mentoring sessions on various topics, from "How to solve Research Problems" to "Time Management". Check the Spring 2024 event for an example:
Events are held online and open to all for free.